Orfium Case Studies

Learn how Orfium helps entertainment brands find, use, track and monetize music content across all channels.

Latest Case Studies

De Wolfe Music, a pioneering production music company established in 1909, boasts a vast and instantly recognizable catalog of music that has shaped the sound of film and television for over a century. Their commitment to supporting composers and artists goes hand-in-hand with their proactive approach to music licensing. De Wolfe generates significant revenue by […]
Cavendish Music, the UK’s largest independent production music publisher, traces its origins back to 1937 as Boosey & Hawkes Recorded Music Library. As part of the Anthem Entertainment family, Cavendish’s music has made its mark in numerous productions, including major motion pictures, television shows, video games, and commercials. In January 2023, Cavendish joined forces with […]