The Orfium Blog

Check out our blog for all things music, entertainment and technology with regular content from across the industry and our teams

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ORFIUM is pleased to announce its membership in the ISNI  International Agency. Now an active ISNI Registration Agency, ORFIUM will begin to contribute to the ISNI database, both through the provision of curated and enriched metadata and by providing ISNI-related services to its client and industry stakeholders.  “Making sure we are attributing compositions and performances […]
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash There is a question to which typically we, as Developers, kind of turn a blind eye. When was the last time your product had downtime? How did it affect your customers? And why wouldn’t we? We follow all the Agile processes, we go through multiple debates during the code […]
You take some things for granted when you work in a stack for a long time. For example, you assume that having the proper tools to do whatever it is you need to do is standard, nowadays. The truth is that sometimes you have to appreciate what you have, because you’ll miss it when you […]
Our Design System with React Components, Figma, and Storybook. Reasoning When we started building our Design System at ORFIUM, I was hard-pressed to gather information from other companies that had gone through the process or colleagues with this kind of experience. I hope that you will find answers in our story to some of the […]
Strap in, we’re about to get technical. But that’s the kind of people we are, and we’re guessing you are too. Today we’re talking about API Test Automation, a topic which causes a frankly unexpected degree of passionate discussions here at ORFIUM. When you start talking about Automated Tests you should always have in mind […]
Are you User Story Mapping yet? It’s no secret that communication is one of the most important functions that teams need to do well in order to function. But how can teams with different areas of expertise be sure that they are talking about the same problem, the same solution and the same method to […]
Less time waiting, more time hacking! Yes yes, we all know. Writing tests and thoroughly running them on our code is important. None of us enjoy doing it but we almost all see the benefits of this process. But what isn’t as great about testing is the waiting, the context shifting and the loss of […]
Change is many things. It’s a complicated process, rarely linear in its evolution, from inception to implementation and beyond. It can be messy, confusing, unexpected and, this one’s for sure, it’s unavoidable. Whether change comes along with new leadership, is ushered in by new technologies, is necessitated by new team members or a reorganization of […]
Hello stranger ! If you are working with Redux you are probably walked into the same issue we had at Orfium FrontEnd team with redux side effects (maybe that’s why you are reading this as well ). If not, then wait for it, it will happen soon. Let me guide you through our story and […]
As programmers, many of us have to deal with handling a response data that comes from an asynchronous callback. At first, that seems to work just fine, but as the codebase gets bigger and more complicated we start wondering if there is a better way to handle that response data and surely if there is […]